7 Dog Breeds That Are Independent That Makes Your Life Better

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Written By pettalkclub

Many breeds of dogs are more independent than others, although all dogs enjoy human interaction and ought to be regarded as a part of the family. They, therefore, make the ideal option for dog parents who can’t deal with an overbearing attention seeker.

These independent dog breeds are often capable of keeping themselves engaged, unlike many, which makes them ideal for owners who are usually away from home or otherwise engaged and unable to indulge in endless games of fetch. 7 dog breeds that are independent are listed here, along with a description of why certain dogs are more independent than others.

1. Beagle

7 dog breeds that are independent
7 Dog Breeds That Are Independent: Beagle

Rodent chasing was the primary intent of Beagle breeding. Despite being little and lively, the most unyielding dogs on our list are beagles. This explains why these tough, slim dogs tend to hunt small animals. A Beagle can pursue anything with an interesting smell if it receives a sniff. Black, tan, white, red, and perhaps even blue are just a couple of the coat colours in which this tiny ruffian is frequently seen.

Beagles tend to bark a bit because of their excitable personality, which can concern certain families. Likewise, just the most sympathetic owners could put up with these little dogs’ personalities. Beagles want to be independent; therefore, it’s typically not a great choice to leave one alone. This is due to the likelihood of problems if these dogs are not handled. Considering all these problems, a well Beagle is a fantastic addition to any family.

2. Chow Chow

7 Dog Breeds That Are Independent: Chow Chow

These small dogs have distinctive looks and are derived from Chinese working canines with a straightforward mindset. Although dogs resemble teddy bears, they merely do not prefer being cuddled or squeezed and will persist in resisting until they are completely at ease. The cat is another quiet creature compared to the Chow Chow due to its cold, occasionally unsociable attitude.

3. Basset Hound

7 Dog Breeds That Are Independent: Basset Hound

The basset is a slow dog who is delighted to doze off on its bed when you are at work. It doesn’t necessitate much attention or activity; it would often take a relaxing walk than partake in rough play. Nevertheless, because this low-maintenance dog type tends to put on weight, you might need to push it to meet its regular step goal.

Even though the Basset Hound’s long, low physique and large ears are distinctive, they can raise significant health problems. It must maintain a healthy weight and avoid difficult jumps and stairways with jagged corners since its back is prone to injuries. Regular cleaning of its ears is important since they are susceptible to infection. Never leave it unattended because it will go wherever its nose leads.

4. Lhasa Apso

Lhasa Apso

 Researching a breed’s past can give insight into how much alone time a dog can endure. One such dog is the Lhasa Apso, specifically bred to protect Tibetan temples and monasteries; their ancestors’ previous jobs can answer for this breed’s independent personality and why these dogs can be left alone.

Lhasa Apsos are little yet fearless dogs which need just a little exercise to remain healthy. These features are combined to make them a suitable choice for owners who need to be away from the house for long periods.

5. Afghan Hound

Afghan Hound

It must not be a surprise that the rough terrain of Afghanistan and its nearby areas is where this sort of dog first appeared. These dogs’ unusual furs include a peek into their famous past. They stay warm in the colder areas of Afghanistan due to their long hair and dense fur. In the nineteenth century, the Afghan royals gave them as a prize to the UK, where they were first seen. Afghan Hounds were chosen for hunting due to their common traits and speed.

Many say that they may have been used to kill snow leopards. Afghan Hounds can be hard to train, as are the rest of the independent dog breeds. Even for the most skilled and calm owners, their tenacity can be a difficult task. The Afghan Hound is as distant as a hound can be. This does not imply that these dogs are helpless to have a great time. This breed of dog tends to be active.

6. Pekingese


While resting on the couch or enjoying little self-indulgence in the foyer, this long-haired low-rider is glad to be by itself. Even so, a regular walk and indoor playing are more than enough to suit its fitness requirements. Despite this, it cannot be easy to train your Peke. Even if you bore them using dull training drills, they tend to wander off the rails and act as they please most of the time.

Despite having a Pekingese with a shorter “sport” cut that can help make care easy, the breed’s long coat can be a pain to manage. To prevent tangles, comb over its coat a handful of times each week, paying special consideration to the areas around its ears and tail. We strongly advise sanitary trim to avoid a mess on the backside.

7. Shiba Inu

Shiba Inu

 The breed of dog that is most widely popular is famous for its independence. Shiba Inu mixes can enjoy themselves and will do so if offered the chance. But it would help if you didn’t leave them unsupervised or in a place that hasn’t been pet-proofed. When left unattended, it is advised to supply him with engaging toys, as well as lots of exercise and brain games. The throw cushions and blinds love you.

Given that it can and will put you to the test, the Shiba is not ideal for rookie dog owners. Although it might not always want to accept your guidance, it is intelligent and picks up new abilities fast. Along with simpler, more diverse training sessions, high-value treats are very useful in winning it over.


Above are 7 dog breeds that are independent if you seek a dog that doesn’t cling to your leg or expects hugs and loves the whole day. Yet, not all independent dogs adapt well to being left alone for extended periods, and they still love being a part of family events, even if they do so from a distance of 10 feet. Training is essential and tough, yet when you establish a great connection with an independent dog; it will be easy to get them to accept your commands.

Read more About 7 Dog Breeds That Are Independent

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