Why Does My Dog Lick Me in the Morning? Find Out Here

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Written By Emma Campbe

A. Dogs are known for their affectionate behavior, and one common experience that dog owners often encounter is waking up to their furry companions enthusiastically licking their faces in the morning. Many pet owners find themselves wondering, “Why does my dog lick me in the morning?” This article aims to delve into the reasons behind this endearing behavior and shed light on the possible explanations.

B. For countless dog owners, waking up to a wet, slobbery doggy kiss is a regular occurrence. It can be both amusing and perplexing to witness this behavior each morning. Perhaps you’ve wondered if there is a specific motive behind your dog’s morning licks or if it’s simply a display of affection. By exploring the underlying reasons, we can gain a better understanding of this behavior.

C. The purpose of this outline is to explore the various motivations behind why dogs lick their owners in the morning. We will delve into the nature of dogs as social animals, examine the possible factors contributing to this behavior, consider biological and evolutionary aspects, and touch upon training and health considerations. By examining these factors, we hope to provide insights into the morning licking behavior and deepen our connection with our canine companions.

I. The Nature of Dogs

A. Dogs are highly social animals with strong pack instincts. They have evolved alongside humans for thousands of years, developing a deep bond and the ability to communicate with us.

B. Licking is a natural behavior in dogs and is often used as a form of communication within their pack.

C. Dogs use licking as a means of expressing affection, seeking attention, and strengthening social bonds.

Why Does My Dog Lick Me in the Morning

II. Why Does My Dog Lick Me in the Morning

A. Morning licking behavior is a specific form of dog-human interaction that often occurs upon waking up.

B. Dogs may lick their owners in the morning for various reasons, and understanding these motivations can help us interpret their behavior.

1. Display of affection and love: Morning licks can be a dog’s way of expressing their affection towards their owners.

2. Request for attention or interaction: Dogs may lick their owners in the morning to seek attention or engage in play.

3. Marking their owners with their scent: Licking serves as a way for dogs to mark their owners with their own scent, reinforcing the sense of belonging and ownership.

4. Seeking reassurance and security: Morning licks can be a dog’s way of seeking reassurance and comfort, especially after a period of separation during sleep.

III. Natural Instincts and Biological Factors

A. Dogs’ licking behavior has roots in their evolutionary past and serves several natural purposes.

1. Grooming instinct inherited from wild ancestors: Dogs have inherited the grooming behavior from their wild ancestors, and licking helps them maintain cleanliness and social bonds.

2. Licking as a way to establish social hierarchy and maintain bonds: Licking behavior helps dogs establish and reinforce social bonds within their pack.

B. Biological factors can also influence morning licking behavior in dogs.

1. Release of oxytocin during physical contact: Physical contact, such as licking, triggers the release of oxytocin, often referred to as the “love hormone,” promoting bonding and attachment.

2. Circadian rhythms affecting behavior upon waking up: Dogs, like humans, have natural biological rhythms that can influence their behavior upon waking up, including the tendency to engage in licking as a form of interaction.

IV. Individual Differences and Training

A. Each dog may have unique reasons for engaging in morning licking behavior, influenced by their individual personalities and experiences.

B. Past experiences and training can shape a dog’s behavior and responses.

C. Strategies for managing or redirecting excessive or unwanted morning licking behavior can be implemented:

1. Setting boundaries and reinforcing desired behavior: Establishing clear boundaries and consistently rewarding alternative behaviors can help redirect excessive licking.

2. Providing alternative outlets for licking: Interactive toys or puzzles can offer a constructive outlet for dogs’ licking instincts.

V. Health Considerations

A. Excessive licking could be indicative of underlying health issues and should not be ignored.

B. Persistent or unusual licking behavior, particularly if accompanied by other symptoms, warrants a visit to a veterinarian for proper evaluation and diagnosis.

Why Does My Dog Lick Me in the Morning


A. Morning licking is a common behavior exhibited by dogs, and understanding the reasons behind it can strengthen the bond between humans and their furry companions.

B. By recognizing dogs as social animals with innate instincts, considering biological and evolutionary factors, acknowledging individual differences and training, and being attentive to health considerations, we can better comprehend and appreciate the morning licking behavior of our dogs.

C. Embracing these wet kisses with love and care, we can foster a deeper connection and a joyful start to each day with our loyal canine friends.

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