Top 10 Basic Puppy Training Commands Every New Dog Owner Should Know

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Written By pettalkclub

You and your dog have arrived in the wonderful world of training, where the two of you can share in the joy of personal development. One of the most important parts of training your dog is giving them basic puppy training commands, which can be both pleasant and effective. These instructions are the building blocks of obedience and will aid in cementing your bond with your pet.

Mastering these ten commands can help you train a well-behaved dog, whether you’re a first-time or seasoned dog owner. Let’s take a look at some of the most basic puppy training commands.

Basic Puppy Training Commands [10 Commands]

It can be difficult to train your new pet, but once you do, it will be enjoyable and helpful for both you and your dog. Teaching the basic commands is one of the most crucial components of dog training. For the protection and well-being of your dog, fundamental commands are crucial. They also support the development of a solid link between you and your dog.

Let’s talk about the basic puppy training commands.

01. Name Recognition

Identification practice is one of the key and most crucial commands in the basic puppy training instructions. The main goal of doing this is to teach your dog the proper call so that he can obey commands.

Teach your dog to identify its name before you train them in any activity. Discipline should be ingrained starting with this. Teaching your puppy directions and exercises is simple if you address them correctly.

When your dog stares at or looks at you after you call their name, that is a sign that they are responding nicely. Don’t forget to reward or show them your affection when they get it correctly.

02. Sit Down

Sit Down
Sit Down

One of the most popular and practical instructions for your puppy to learn is “Sit.” Start by holding a treat in your hand and holding it above your dog’s head to teach them to sit. Give them the treat and say “Sit” when they crouch down after you gently move your hand to the back of their heads. Give your dog this command several times a day, and each time they obey, give them a treat.

03. Down

Educating your dog on the “down” command is also crucial. When your dog becomes very agitated, this order will help him settle down. Put a strong-smelling reward in front of your puppy and wait for them to smell it to teach your dog to “Down.” Bring the treat down once they’ve done so, and your dog will ultimately follow. Give them the treat and say “Down” when their tummy is on the ground.

04. Watch Me

Teach your dog the “Watch Me” command as soon as possible. This command is especially helpful when there are a lot of people around or when there are disturbances. If you want to teach your dog to “Watch Me,” put a goodie close to its nose and slowly bring it up to your face. Say “Watch Me” to your dog to encourage him to look at you while the goodie is near your nose.

05. Stay


Considerably, teaching your dog to “Stay” is the most crucial thing you can do. The safety of both you and your dog depends on obeying this command. To teach your dog to “stay,” have them begin by sitting. Step back from your dog gradually, and if they start to get closer, tell them “no” and command them to sit. Say “Stay,” give them a reward, and then follow it with “Come.”

06. Wait

Similar to the “Stay” command, the “Wait” command is utilized when guests arrive at your house. It is best to train your dog with the help of two persons to educate him to “Wait.” While the other person stays inside with your dog, one person should go outside the door. The person inside should say “Wait” while the person outside closes the door after the person outside has opened it and your dog has begun approaching it. Repeat this procedure numerous times, rewarding your dog each time they wait patiently.

07. Off

When visiting someone’s home or if you want to keep your furnishings hair-free, the “Off” command can be helpful if you want to teach your dog to “Off,” hold a goodie in your fist, and wave it in front of its nose. Keep your fist closed as they attempt to take the treat. Say “Off” when they finally concede and give them the goodie. To assist your dog in connecting this command with a particular action, practice it around furnishings.

08. Come


The safety of your dog depends on you using the “Come” command. This order can assist in keeping your dog from escaping or entering a dangerous area. If you want to teach your dog to “Come,” put them on a leash and gently tug on the leash while saying the command. Give your dog a treat when they come to you. When your dog successfully responds to your call each time, practice this method multiple times every day.

09. Drop It

“Drop it” is a crucial instruction that keeps your dog from injuring himself or your goods. This order can help save numerous household goods, especially for pups.

Two similar dog toys are required to teach this command. You should give your dog one toy to play with. Then, invite them over and show them the new plaything. Once they drop the previous toy, say “Drop It” and hand them the new one. A toy and treat can also be used in place of this.

10. Leave It

On walks, the standard command is “Leave It.” Dogs can occasionally get into things they shouldn’t because they are curious animals; this is where the phrase “Leave It” comes in.

Place one candy in each of the two hands. Close your hand after giving your dog one of the treats while keeping the other treat behind your back. As you hold the treat you gave them in your fist and wait for them to lose interest, you’ll be saying, “Leave It.”

Give them the reward you were hiding once they start to back away from the original treat.

Importance of Training Your Dog on Basic Training Puppy Commands

The most important aspect of good dog ownership is teaching your puppy the fundamental commands. Teaching your dog the fundamentals of obedience can help you and your dog build a strong, happy relationship. Additionally, it guarantees that your dog is well-mannered and can coexist peacefully with humans and other animals.

When you teach your puppy the fundamentals of obedience, you build a foundation for excellent conduct and foster a relationship of mutual respect and trust. This assures that your dog will obey your directions and helps to prevent harmful activity. Basic training commands enable you to stop your dog from engaging in harmful or dangerous behavior, which further helps to guarantee that your dog is safe and secure.

Importance of Training Your Dog

Training your pup in the fundamental commands will improve your bond with your dog and their mental and physical health. Mental stimulation from training is essential for a dog’s emotional and cognitive growth. Moreover, since you may incorporate exercise into the training process, learning instructions also guarantee that your dog receives enough exercise.

To protect your dog, teaching your puppy the basic commands is crucial. Simple instructions like “sit,” “stay,” “come,” and “heel” help keep your dog from getting into trouble or into dangerous circumstances. Additionally, they can assist you in controlling your dog in public areas and stop him from acting aggressively against other dogs or humans.


To sum up, basic puppy training commands are crucial for developing a close relationship with your four-legged pet. They also guarantee your dog’s safety and well-being, which makes them an essential part of dog ownership. It is quite easy to teach your dog commands like name recognition, sit, down, watch me, stay, wait, off, come, drop it, and leave it if you are patient and consistent.

These orders not only simplify your life but also improve the quality of life for your dog. Your dog will become a well-mannered companion you can be proud of once they have mastered these commands with patience and repetition.

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